Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer fun!

Today was the first day I took Summer (the mare) out to the arena for some summer fun! I don't know how much fun SHE had, but I learned more about who she is. For a little thing she is a tough nut to crack! Took lots of sweating and breathing hard (on her part, not mine) to start to loosen her up physically as well as mentally. She comes off being dominant and unsensitive, but I think that's a front she puts up. She got a little nervous, it showed in her gaits, when she was asked..then told to do something. Lots of circling game and patterns settled her down to where she was looking where she was going and thinking more.

I got to thinking about it later in the day...she hasn't been in with other horses since she was a baby. She's lived with a companion horse over the fence the last 3 years I think. Socially, I think she's missed some vital education and to prove this theory to myself I put Montego out with her today.

Montego is very dominant, but also fair. My other horses read him well, he's very clear in his communication but not mean, just appoints himself herd boss and that's that.

They have had a chance to visit over the fence since Friday so Summer wasn't a complete stranger to him. I let him loose in her pasture and she ingnored him. He walked over to her and she walked away. Dissed him. Very similar body language as to when she did that to me the first day I had her. He approached her again and she scooted right by him. Familiar. No agression, no emotion really. He was curious who this chick was! So he went over and put his nose to her tail and then spun around and didn't kick at her but moved her sideways with his little rump! She didn't get out of the way too quick. He walked away from her to go eat hay. HMMMM, I'm thinking, how familiar is this looking?

She walked over and went for the hay...but didn't ASK PERMISSION from lead horse so he pinned his ears and postured at her. She moved quicker this time. Then she got mad. She stormed around him, swinging her head, swishing her tail. She trotted back and forth infront of the hay. He completely ignored her which was sort of funny to watch. Each time she'd try to snatch hay from the pile, he'd pin his ears at her and posture if needed. She was getting it. Finally, she stood there about 10 feet away and put her head down, asking for permission to come eat. He said OK. He made her do the dance first though! hehehehehe

I continued to watch the dynamics till I was sure all was well and she could eat with him. I'm going to let Montego teach her about respect and space and asking questions. It'll make my job easier if she can learn to read those signs from another horse first. It never ceases to amaze me how much a herd can help me train. I'm looking forward to working with her tomorrow and see what kind of changes she's going to make.

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