Friday, June 11, 2010

Saturday night I have a mare coming in from Virginia for training. Given her background, and her reputation, I thought it'd be fun to blog about her progress along the way.

She's a 6 year old Colonial Spanish with high percentage Choctaw blood in her. Raised in TX, purchased by Pam Keeley, my friend in Switzerland. The mare has been living at Rainbows End Farm for a year or so, hoping she had been bred but must have lost the foal back in the fall as she's not pregnant now. Pam decided it was time to get the mare on track to becoming a useful citizen and my job is to fulfill her wishes!

Apparently, Cheyenne, or Shy Anne, has a reputation for not finding any comfort in us humans. She's kicked a few people in her lifetime, has to be sedated to pick up her hind feet, and basically has no use for people. Pam tells me she's a very competitive mare in the herd, dominant to the extreme at times. She's a pistol!

Well, do not fear...I've dealt with this type before. This is the type of horse that so often gets sent from owner to owner, no one understanding the horse.

I've already got a plan for her from the get-go, the minute she's unloaded. Right off, this isn't about training her to be ridden or to drive. It's about gaining her trust and respect. Once that is in place, then we can move forward from there. She is going to have to rely on me for her basic neccesities. Yes, she's a challenge...many are wishing me luck with her (I'm sure questioning the outcome) but I am looking forward to the challenge and find how these horses think very intriguing. I love watching the little changes they make.

So stay tuned for the adventures of Chey, coming to a blogspot near you!!!

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