Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day two

I got another nicker from Destiny when I arrived at the barn this morning. Okay, maybe it's just because she's very passionate about her food, but she does recognize me as the hay provider so that's a good thing.

Before I fed her I entered her corral to see if we would pick up where we left off yesterday. She was much softer in the eye as she stood and looked at me right away. I walked up to her and petted her neck and face. Much better than our intro to handling yesterday morning.

I was gone most of the day teaching today so I didn't get a chance to do much except pet her, which is probably all she needed anyways. I did learn that I need to tie her water bucket to the fence. And the loose salt that was also in a bucket is now part of the earth. She has a ball to play with but the buckets are much more interesting it seems.

I noticed that she has not done the submissive baby mouth thing when she meets the othe horses across the fence. I've never seen a youngster NOT do that. She is very self confident and I know will stand up for herself quite well when she gets to have pasture mates. I'm not sure who she'll be living with yet. Maybe Augustine who's just 3-he's super mellow, and likes to play. He and Thunder live together now so that may be a good match once she's more people oriented.

Haven't blogged much about Shy lately, who is becoming quite the star. She's wearing a saddle each time we play and I'm ready to start ponying her off of Thunder, if they're still friends. She's not fond of other horses near her unless it's her idea so ponying her with a buddy will be good. I did lay over her back with all my weight on her and she was fine. Still have a lot of work to do desensitizing her hindquarters and back legs before I think about mounting up.

She is one athletic gal!! Wow, quick as lightening when startled. I'd have no chance whatsoever staying on that. She can bounce on all fours about 20 feet sideways before you know what happened. No bucking, but leaps like she's got springs on her feet. That short back would eject you out of the drivers seat in no time flat. So for now, she'll be ponied alot and we'll continue to work on keeping her feet on the ground!

I can trim all four of her feet while the lead rope is dropped to the ground. She allows me to brush her tail (even touching her tail was frightening for her not too long ago) as long as I ask her permission first. Shy appreciates being asked permission first- just part of being respectful and polite. She really is a pleasure to work with. I can see how far she's come, even though it may appear slow to those who don't know her. She's a work in progress.

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