Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Out with the old...In with the new

I'm tired of talking about my truck saga. I think I have a few friends tired of listening to it, too. It's over though, folks. I've severed the relationship with my F-250 diesel. This evening I drove home in a 2005 F150 Lariat. Had to downsize due to finances but am confident it'll tow fine. I'm not all excited about a new vehicle. Maybe tomorrow when the shock of it all wears off. I couldn't continue the pattern though with my black truck. I get nauseous thinking about the $$$ I've put into repairs in the short time I've owned it. So it's over...moving on to a happier and more trustworthy relationship with new burgundy truck.

It's a nice color and fits into the scheme of The Center. Our colors are burgundy, white and black. A sign reading THE CENTER FOR AMERICA'S FIRST HORSE will look nice on the door. It has a sun roof. That's sort of cool. It has a Tonneau cover on the bed. That's cool too, but I'll have to remove it to haul stuff. It has four doors so I don't have to hear the girls complain as much when one has to ride in the back. Really cool.

It's not cool in Vermont this week though--92 degrees and high humidity. Good for hay farmers. Lots of biting flies out. No fun. Horse time is early morning, late evening and at a minimum.

Cool shower, fans on, open windows, going to bed.

1 comment:

  1. It certainly is hot out. Yay for a new truck! Hope it enables you to come get hay in Waterbury if you need it. Good stuff, though the price went up this year to $3.50 a bale.

    Hoping to work with horses early tomorrow morning...
