Thursday, July 22, 2010

Going to the Fair.

Friday through Sunday we're taking two horses to the Lamoille County Field Days. A small town county fair that we've attended the last number of years. Just about everyone in town will be there, a good place to hand out information on The Center, see old friends and meet new ones.

We are going to take Oscar (crowd favorite!) and Maya who will be new to this type of thing. She's such a lovely mare and we think she'll enjoy all the attention.

Being that I'm still with out a trailer Tory and Eliza are going to ride the horses there. It's only about 2 miles down the dirt road from The Center. How lucky!

Starting to get organized for our OPEN HOUSE August 14th. Hope the message is spreading, would love to have a big turnout of course. We're putting a lot of work into getting things spiffed up around the property. Spiffed up means some mowing, more fencing, and maybe even some transplanting of bushes and perennials to make things real purty!

Rode Summer on her first little outing today. Through the field, around the property, across a big puddle. She was great. Quite bold and not worried about too much. Oscar came along to keep her company but I don't think she needed him.

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