Wednesday, December 29, 2010

These frigid nights have caused some water line freezing problems, frozen hoses, foot thick ice in the troughs. It's been a nightmare quite honestly. Not laughing till today. The ice was broken-metaphorically speaking.

In my attempt to fill empty troughs with 14 horses waiting patiently, I fire up the generator and find not a drop of water coming out of the hose. ARGHHHH. I spoke a few choice words under my breath and sighed. Off I go to town to purchase a blower/heater to defrost the line, figuring it's a repeat of last Sunday's watering experience. I spend an hour in town explaining my needs to the local farm supply store. They lent a sympathetic ear but had nothing I could use.

Defeated, I go back up the Center and thought I'd try my little propane torch-hoping not to melt the plastic water line. As I ignite the torch and spend half an hour sitting in the snow defrosting things, I look over and notice the plug to the generator laying in the snow. My clue that I never even plugged the pump into the generator!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I couldn't believe it. Well..yes I could actually. How stupid could I be?! Duh. No wonder there wasn't water coming out.

As I confess my embarrasing error, I realize I was the only one who knew what I did. However, I did have a dozen horses looking over the fence at me! Happy that I keep them entertained.

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