Thursday, March 31, 2011

The little things in life

Sometimes it's not the biggy events that make my day, or leave me feeling accomplished and satisfied with my work. Successes can be measured in so many different ways. For example, I was looking at yesterday's accomplishments before I fell asleep and was thrilled of my find on Craigslist in the FREE section! Funny I thought, that here our long anticipated indoor arena arrived on two semi's and I'm all excited about a futon to put in my office. Not to undermine all the work that has been done by so many people to just get the arena here, but it still isn't tangible goods yet to me. On the other hand, this gently used futon and frame with a sun bleached cover is in the office, ready to sit on. There is security in knowing that in a horse health emergency, if I needed to sleep at The Center I could, and quite comfortably now, I will add. I have a little heater, all my paperwork in one place, awards, certificates and ribbons hanging on the wall. My little sanctuary. Once the arena goes up, which they tell me will start in a weeks time, there will also be security in knowing that income to The Center will be flowing again. Regardless of weather, lessons will be held, the horses will have plenty of shelter, event's can be planned, horses can come for training. Those are big things that can make a big difference and that's good.

1 comment:

  1. I am so happy for you. Congrats on the new home away from home.
