Monday, March 28, 2011

It does seem like everything happens at once. I received a phone call tonight that the arena is going to be here Tuesday, and delivered Wednesday morning at 8:30. I had to give the truckers directions and tell them they CANNOT park two semi's on the side of Clay Hill Road overnight! The Northgate Plaza parking lot was my suggestion. These guys have no idea where they are headed...not only mud season and ruts and frost heaves the size of Volkswagons, (I didn't mention that part to them) but Mapquest directions that sometimes make no sense in Vermont. So the excavator showed up today to drain the water from the trench the foundation sits in. It never got backfilled because of the big daddy of a storm we got a few weeks ago. Now have to play catch up. So as the anticipation, ooops, I mean anxiety builds with the arrival of the arena, reality hits me square in the forehead and I get cold feet. Thank goodness I have an amazing board of directors who keep me focused and organized. And do a little hand holding when I need it! "The Caboose" has undergone an interior face lift. It really isn't a train caboose, we just call this 8'x26' construction trailer that because it's painted red and is on wheels. Johnson State College students volunteered 6 hours of time on Friday and we painted and spruced it up. Today I moved in a desk, an unwanted recliner, and tomorrow pick up a free futon I saw on Craigslist. Now there will be a place at The Center for me to rest my weary head on days when I'm feeling overwhelmed! Our summer schedule has been approved by the board so the announcement is coming out in our Latest Scoop newsletter in a day or two. Lots of good updates and news, too!

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