Friday, January 7, 2011

One Mas horse

Today, because of a recent donation, we were able to rescue a horse from a situation he didn't belong in. Mas de Domingo, a 17 year old Spanish Mustang gelding has returned home! Mas is a medicine hat overo, a pattern of coloration know to the Native Americans to carry special "medicine" or power. Only chiefs would ride medicine hat marked horses.

If you have read any of Marguerite Henry's classic stories you may remember San Domingo, the story of a medicine hat stallion. Mas is a direct decendant of San Domingo, a beautiful stallion that came off the San Domingo reservation in New Mexico. The stallion was traded/sold to Bob Brislawn, one of the first Spanish Mustang preservationists and he became a foundation stallion of the Spanish Mustang Registry. That was back in the 1950's. I consider San Domingo to be one of the most highly regarded and popular Spanish Mustang in history. But that's just my opinion.

The Spanish word Mas translates to "more." "More of Domingo". He is called Mas for short. And here's his story:

He was raised in North Dakota and Minnesota, and used as a breeding stallion until he was eight years old. When he was 13 I learned he was for sale and I encouraged clients of mine to purchase him for their daughter. He came to Vermont and spent two years teaching his rider about horsemanship while she boarded him with me. Mas was part of the herd and represented his breed well. He was sold in 2008 to what I thought would be a forever home--what I wish for every horse.

Up until last month, I kept in touch with Mas' new owner. I recently learned she had given him away. My heart dropped. I was scared for him and felt a deep responsibility to find him and bring him to The Center where he belongs.

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